Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sangster and His Granddad

The two redheads share moments us non-gingers can't understand.

Redheads Share

Gran and Sangster

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sangster in Green Sack

Sangster in Green Sack, originally uploaded by Okie Wampus.

This photo is blurry because I didn't want to use the flash so early in the morning on a recently awakened boy. But I had to get a picture of Sangster in his little green sleep sack.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Red Suited Sangster

Red Suited Sangster, originally uploaded by Okie Wampus.

Sangster wears red and white for the game today. And like his diapers, this game stinks. Good thing we're distracted with his cuteness.

Brooklynites Invade

Mai and Robert and young Ruby came by after a long trip from the 718. Fun was had (except one household member felt left out).

Trimmed Rob, Suzy

Mai Smiles

Trimmed Ruby

Ruby Regards Sangster

Trimmed Mai, Suzy

Kenny Wants In

Friday, November 20, 2009

Sangster had a little lamb

Sangster had a little lamb, originally uploaded by Okie Wampus.

Sangster's starting to engage more with the world. He really took to this stuffed lamb. This isn't him at his most focused, but he's getting there.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Another Band of Visitors

Daltrey came with her parents Lindsay and Andy. They brought black beans and rice (delicious!) for us and coconut cake (delicious as well!). I proudly used my many years of Spanish to tell Andy black beans and rice were called "Cristianos y Moros" in Spain. Fortunately, attention was diverted by Sangster then or Andy would have had to hear other great Spanish trivia like how I would be called El Pedorro later in the evening.

I caught Daltrey in the classic "point at the baby" pose. The over/under on pics of other infants doing the same pose on this blog is 3.5. It's a natural instinct I think.

Daltrey Looks Down

Andy, Daltrey and Sangster

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sangster = 10 Days Old

Sangster = 10 Days Old, originally uploaded by Okie Wampus.

This pattern of dots that's in his crib set fascinates Sangster. They keep him occupied so me and Suzy can leave for our favorite bar in Moore for a couple of drinks. He never knows we're gone!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Shelly and Sangster

Shelly Takes In Sangster, originally uploaded by Okie Wampus.

You're not going to believe this, but Shelly has a master's in library science. Sangster's hair looks blond or red depending on the angle. I call it lenticular hair. Look it up!

Darren Has a Halo

Darren Has a Halo, originally uploaded by Okie Wampus.

Darren and Shelly came by to see tiny Mr. Reynolds.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sangster Hiccups

Sangster Hiccups, originally uploaded by Okie Wampus.

Last night found Sangster restless and active. Here's a quieter moment of hiccupping (a habit he's carried over from being in the womb). There is a HUGE surprise in this video where he does something else besides hiccup in the video. I won't say what it is, but I told him Gesundheit after.

Mother and Child

This is the spot where you'll find Sangster most of the time. He loves sitting up there after a good feeding. This was taken during Sangster's first OU game - a 65-10 shellacking of the Texas A&M Aggies - a good sign I think.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Steph and Sangster

Steph and Sangster, originally uploaded by Okie Wampus.

Steph took a break from mailing Sweet Potato Awareness Month cards to friends and family and came to visit with daughter Millie and friend Traci. Steph has two kids (Archie and the aforementioned Millie) and had some nice advice and tales for us. I like this shot a lot.

Traci and Sangster

Traci and Sangster, originally uploaded by Okie Wampus.

Traci came to visit during her lunch hour. Though babies "freak" her out, she gave Sangster enough holding time for me to snap this pic.

NOTE: Traci is NOT saying the Pledge of Allegiance. She's covering up the logo on her shirt.

Millie Gives The Stinkeye

Millie Gives The Stinkeye, originally uploaded by Okie Wampus.

I quickly snapped this and ran off in fear of getting beaten up by this tiny Gerry Cooney.

Seriously, though, this is one sweet cute baby!

Millie Drops In

Millie Drops In, originally uploaded by Okie Wampus.

10 month old Millie came in and sat there in a menacing fashion. Look at her being mean as a snake.

Jack Espies Something Tiny

Jack Espies Something Tiny, originally uploaded by Okie Wampus.

Jack came by twice today. Earlier with his dad, Jerkface, and then later with his mom Jill. Jack was a fun visitor and is welcome any time! Unlike the other young visitor today who was a NIGHTMARE.

Jack Points At Awesomeness

Jack Points At Awesomeness, originally uploaded by Okie Wampus.

Little 22 month old Jack Richardson takes a look at Sangster.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sangster wiggles

Sangster wiggles, originally uploaded by Okie Wampus.
Seeing if video works here. The size of a regular video is CRAZY huge so I'll play with sizes to see what I can do. That's Sangster's Aunt Kelly behind him.

Sleeper Deluxe

Sleeper Deluxe, originally uploaded by Okie Wampus.
The Sleeper I refer to is the outfit which I think is a hand-me-down from Archie, but don't quote me is from a consignment sale. Sangster is still striving to be the sleeper deluxe, but needs some work at it.

Horiz Not Vert

Horiz Not Vert, originally uploaded by Okie Wampus.

Hands looking better!

We're Home

We're Home, originally uploaded by Okie Wampus.

This is a blurry shot from Wednesday evening. Corky was on the bed and of course jumped off when I tried to capture her sitting by Sangster.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Thumbsucker, originally uploaded by Okie Wampus.

Nursery visit after being born. Hands have that gray wrinkly "not ready yet" look. This is where you can really see the reddishness of his hair.

Welcome, Peoples!

All the cool kids have their own blogs, so we thought Sangster Penn Reynolds should too. Please be patient with his nerdy dad while he figures out how to put up periodic photos documenting the growth and sheer handsomeness of his son. Also please forgive spelling and grammatical mistakes. He'll be a bit sleep-deprived.